Saturday, 12 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm still alive and relatively well, just crazy busy with work and no Internet connection at home except on the iPad which is not really conducive for blogging as I can't post photos and what's a blog post if it has no photos, right? I'm trying to make up for the lack of posts by trying to fit everything in as few sentences as possible and since there isn't much to talk about not that I ever really had much worth saying this post will have very few albeit very long sentences.

Anyway, happy mother's day to all the mums out there! This will be my first mother's day and I'm pretty excited!

We move to our new house in two weeks! I can't wait! It' 10 PM on a Saturday and I still have so much work to do. I hate bringing work home but I can't work the crazy long hours that I used to so i'm forced to do them at home late into the night. I am so not the work at home type. Thank goodness Bubby went to sleep early. I might actually have the chance to finish one lot of work so I can enjoy tomorrow. I better sign out and stop procrastinating. I still have to visit Rue La La and Gilt.