Thursday, 14 February 2013


The first time I saw an owl was at the zoo. The first time that Bubby saw not one but two owls was on a tree just outside the kitchen window.
How sweet are these two lovebirds. Not even Hallmark could have come up with a better picture for a Valentine's Day card.

Speaking of cards. Hubby got me this card last month, inside it says 'that attract' and a sweet message. (If you've been reading for a while you'd know I'm a science nerd). No occasion, he just thought of me when he saw it. To me that means more than a hundred Valentine's Day cards. Just as well because I'm pretty sure I'm not getting one. Valentine's Day, been there, done that.

ETA: I've just been told the lovebirds aren't owls but the closely related Tawny Frogmouth. According to wikipedia "Tawny Frogmouth pairs stay close together until one of the pair dies."<3

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