Sunday, 31 March 2013

Update. Happy Easter. 6th Anniversary Special.

Not much to update on really, so just lots of random pics of the last couple of weeks.

Smiley face on a Sunday morning while making strawberry pancakes.

Bubby discovers body art. Since then we've had beans, broccoli, corn and chicken. Luckily, his interest in stuffing food in his ears didn't last long. 

Bubby's broad bean.

Bubby's Easter hat or what's left of it. He insisted on wearing it the entire way home.

Bubby wanted to wear a tie and a hat. He grabbed his lion lunchbox, headed out the door and said good bye.

When you're on to a good thing get them in every colour. They only cost $15. I might go back and get the red and the black pairs.

This is what happens when you leave laundry markers within toddler's reach. The worst part is what he did to this pristine cream table cloth.
Spot the purple pen. 

Love birds outside my window at work.
Happy Easter! Bubby made the bag and baked the cookie.

It's not only Easter it's also our 6th wedding anniversary. Most people say their wedding day is the happiest day of their lives. I'm even happier now than the day I got married. Although my waistline is not quite as tiny. This year's present is not quite as extravagant as last year's.

Wood themed 5th wedding anniversary present. 

No presents this year but we did go shopping yesterday and we bought a new iron last month maybe that counts. Iron being the traditional 6th anniversary present and along, along with sweets and being Easter there was a lot of that already.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Easter long weekend!

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