I have, for so long, wanted to go to a sing-along screening but for some reason I have never been to one. So I'm bringing it to my house, I will put it on the the massive TV and whether my family want to or not they are singing AND dancing along. I remember forcing my favourite little girl, my step-niece, to do the So Long Farewell, Auf Weidersein, Goodbye song and dance with me, she was seven at the time, she's 13 now.
I can totes (all the kids are saying that these days) see us doing the Do-re-mi or the Sound of Music on my front yard.
Here are some inspirations for dressing up. Sorry for the lack of photo credits, I saved these photos on my computer a while ago.
*Sigh* Who doesn't want to be Sixteen Going on Seventeen in this dress?
I love Liesl's outfits.
If my sister-in-law wasn't heavily pregnant I'd commission her to make matching outfits for us all as she's quite crafty with the needle pulling thread. I'm laughing at my own puns.
If I can't find anything I can always resort to a nightgown!
Or a Lonely Goatherd
*Swoon* This has got to be one of the most romantic scenes of all times.
I can't wait! I still don't know how I will dress up. I wish I knew how to sew so I can dress up in Liesl's purple dress. My brother is already thinking outside the box and said that he'll come as a brown paper package tied up with string. LOL. So long as nobody dresses up as a Nazi, it's cool.
I don't even know what food to serve either but there will be crisp apple strudels and schnitzel with noodles.
Very cool, can't wait to see it!