Friday, 5 October 2012

Springtime is Swim Time.

Today was 30+ degrees and sunny. What a great way to end spring break. I'm not counting the weekend because it's going to be cool and rainy. Everybody knows that the weekend at the end of a holiday before going back to work is the time to catch up on all the work you had planned to do during the holidays that you never got around to doing because you were busy doing holiday stuff. Or am I the only person who actually plans to do work during the holidays? Even as a teenager I used to bring school work with me while on holidays, what else do you do on an 8 hour flight or the down time between seeing family and shopping and other fun activities? I think I may have even brought work with me while on honeymoon, I didn't touch any of it though, can't say the same for hubby. I remember him calling work from a payphone in front of the LV store on Avenue des Champs-Elysees. Anyway, I digress because I secretly want to relive the days of carefree travel and so I name drop the fabulous places I've been to any chance I get.

Bubby and I started the day by driving hubby to work in the city then having breakfast with my dad while he has a 1.5 hour coffee break (although I don't think he's done any work yet at that point, it's Friday after all.) I was tempted to stick around for the Sydney Swans victory parade but didn't want to navigate the road closures.

It was already hot by the time we got home. Bubby was a bit upset that I wouldn't put on his shoes. He associates going outside with putting shoes on.

First dip.

He wanted to go deeper.

Absolutely loving it! This was just before the splashing that made it impossible to take more photos.

Bubby had his lunch alfresco and shirtless so he can eat watermelon to his heart's content and I don't have to worry about stains on his clothes.

Once Bubby went down for a nap I went in for a swim. Not really, don't be fooled by my artfully blurry photo. I was cleaning the pool. It was easier to clean it while I was in it. The pole on the filter thing kept bumping the branches on the trees and knocking more leaves into the pool faster than I can get them out.

The weekend will be cool. Such a shame. I used to dislike summer but I'm now looking forward to it. Bubby's just woken up, it's time to play. 


  1. So jealous of your pool. I really wish we had one. :)

  2. your bubby is living "the life". cellphone and eating out shirtless! the life!
