Sunday, 14 October 2012

Kitchen (Mis)Adventure - Sunday Roast.

Inspired by Faux Fuchsia's post here, I decided to give roast chicken another go. The first and last time I roasted a chicken it took an hour of prep and 4 hours in the oven. I made the whole thing from scratch including stuffing and I did some fancy trussing too. It was THE best roast chicken I've had, pity we didn't get to eat until 10 PM. Today's roast chicken was a little bit quicker to cook.

It was delicious.

It was accompanied with crunchy roast potatoes, roast pumpkin, which was cooked to perfection by hubby, and some sad looking asparagus. Excuse the haphazard table setting, formal dining it wasn't.

Last Sunday we went to hubby's friend's place for roast lunch. We brought them macarons from Laduree, $76 for a box. Crazy! It was way too sweet for my liking but the kids, including Bubby, loved it.

Here's Bubby reading in the car on the way to lunch.

Another work week starts tomorrow. I really hope it will be better than last week. Work is no Disneyland at the moment, definitely not the happiest place on earth. Coming back to work from holidays to what can only be described as the proverbial shit hitting the fan was not good. Anyway, onwards and upwards. I usually truly enjoy coming to work but morale is low at the moment but we're a tight knit group and this too, shall pass.


  1. well done!!! Could you pulse the stuffing in a food processor to do it faster?? x

    1. Thanks,FF. I ended up using the food processor after I've been crying over the onions. I cheated this time around and bought stuffed and seasoned chicken, I just added extra seasoning and butter.
